유니센터 호주대학교 국제전형

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호주대학교 편입조건
Business Administration
호주대학교 유니센터 IELTS Academic 요구사항
Griffith University 수료 Overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0
The University of Newcastle 수료 Overall 6.0 with no less than 6.0
Macquarie University 평점 4.0만점에 2.5이상 Overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0
La Trobe University (Navitas) 수료 Overall 5.5 with no less than 5.5
The University of Adelaide (Navitas) 수료 Overall 5.5 with no less than 5.0
The University of Western Australia 수료 Overall 6.0 with no less than 5.5
Flinders University 수료 Overall 6.0 with no less than 5.5
University of South Australia (Navitas) 수료 Overall 5.5 with no less than 5.0
Western Sydney University 수료 Overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0
University of Wollongong (Wollongong college) 평점 4.0만점에 2.4이상 Overall 6.0 with no less than 5.5 in reading and writing
Curtin University (Navitas) 수료 Overall 5.5 with no less than 5.5
Edith Cowan University (Navitas) 수료 Overall 5.5 with no less than 5.0
ICMS 수료 Overall 6.0 with no less than 5.5
Information Technology
호주대학교 유니센터 IELTS Academic 요구사항
Griffith University 수료 Overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0
The University of Newcastle 수료 Overall 6.0 with no less than 6.0
Macquarie University 평점 4.0만점에 2.5이상 Overall 6.5 with no less than 6.0